The rugged skid frame of the HS Series makes it a popular option for mounting on a water trailer so you can take this cleaning powerhouse on the road. Blast away grease, oil and grime literally anywhere.
Pump: External bypass system allows more water into the system to protect from heat build-up · Factory preset unloader · Forged brass manifold · 80-mesh, high volume, stainless-steel screen inlet water strainer
Engine: Electric start – battery included
Frame: Heavy-duty powder coated steel 1-1/2-inch square tube frame
Components: 2900-watt generator · Heavy-duty dual cogged belt drive system · No. 1 or No. 2 diesel or kerosene fired burner (Not approved for bio-fuel) · 1/2-inch schedule 80-coil with stainless-steel wrap
Miscellaneous: Temperature rise 150°F/66°C above ambient, maximum outlet temperature is 200°F
Unit Includes: Quick connect nozzles – 0°, 15°, 25° and 40° · 50-foot x 3/8-inch steel wire-braided high pressure hose with quick connects · Professional-grade insulated trigger gun with safety lock-off · Adjustable pressure insulated dual lance